Mjölnir (ME-yol-neer) Subscription

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This is the most powerful coffee in my range. Dark, intense and fortifying.

When blending a dark roast, I think of it like building a house. It needs a strong foundation, and framework to hang the structure from. It needs walls and windows, and it needs a roof. This coffee is a blend of Latin American and Indian Arabicas with some Anaerobic Natural processed Vietnam Robusta in there to provide this structure.

I’m expecting this to cause a level of disquiet from some people. For years we’ve been trained to hate on Robusta as a second class coffee, but with the advancing ravages of climate change, amid still-growing coffee consumption and dwindling viable land to grow high quality Arabica, Robusta may become an ever-more important component in the coffees you love. Trust me, and try it!

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