Mjólka (ME-yol-ka) - 100% Arabica Dark Roast Blend Subscription

from £6.80 every month

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First created as the house blend for our good friends The Brinscall Baker, for their cafe, this coffee is now available for everyone else too.

It’s a dark roast blend of coffees sourced from all over the world and it is 100% Arabica.

Scott and Bex, the owners of the Brinscall Baker, wanted a coffee which would cut through milk well, be a satisfying flat white for people having their first taste of speciality coffee, but also be a coffee that they would enjoy drinking too.

This coffee won out in tastings, and named after the Old Norse for Milk, with the icon of a milk churn, it’s clear how you should be drinking this - with milk!

So, now we’ve cleared that up, all you need to decide is which milk? Oat, Pea, Potato, Soy, Almond, Coconut, Pistachio or even dairy.

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